Personal work
Personal work
A groundbreaking new form of medication that provides fast-acting relief from modern day existence.
What may appear like a legit pharmaceutical drug, Samphetamine®, is in fact a collection of performance pieces written by a young theatre writer called Sam Bird, who also happens to be my younger brother.
Each of the works is rooted in the experience of chronic depression, for which he was diagnosed at age 17.
Sam hadn’t realised it before, but being ‘medicated’ – and all the consquences that ensue from it – is a constant theme across his writing, and sparked an idea that I couldn’t resist… to publish this body of work as a medication; fully branded, with pharma-style packaging, a 188-pg fold-out insert, plus a corporate website, complete with FAQ page and the opportunity to purchase a sample.
** fact fact... Stripe payment systems temporarily blocked access to the site as it flagged up as a ‘violation of their policy regarding the sale of controlled substances’. Access was only re-instated after I appealed the decision, explaining that instead of a black-market narcotics dealer, I am a publisher and this is a book **
Now turn that frown upside down and go fetch yourself a copy here: www.samphetamine.uk
Playwright / Author ︎︎︎ Samuel J Bird
Creative Director ︎︎︎ Tom Bird
Design & Art Direction ︎︎︎ Tom Bird
Illustrations ︎︎︎ Gabriel Carr
Website Development ︎︎︎ Tom Bird
Printing ︎︎︎ Jubels [NL]
What may appear like a legit pharmaceutical drug, Samphetamine®, is in fact a collection of performance pieces written by a young theatre writer called Sam Bird, who also happens to be my younger brother.
Each of the works is rooted in the experience of chronic depression, for which he was diagnosed at age 17.
Sam hadn’t realised it before, but being ‘medicated’ – and all the consquences that ensue from it – is a constant theme across his writing, and sparked an idea that I couldn’t resist… to publish this body of work as a medication; fully branded, with pharma-style packaging, a 188-pg fold-out insert, plus a corporate website, complete with FAQ page and the opportunity to purchase a sample.
** fact fact... Stripe payment systems temporarily blocked access to the site as it flagged up as a ‘violation of their policy regarding the sale of controlled substances’. Access was only re-instated after I appealed the decision, explaining that instead of a black-market narcotics dealer, I am a publisher and this is a book **
Now turn that frown upside down and go fetch yourself a copy here: www.samphetamine.uk
Playwright / Author ︎︎︎ Samuel J Bird
Creative Director ︎︎︎ Tom Bird
Design & Art Direction ︎︎︎ Tom Bird
Illustrations ︎︎︎ Gabriel Carr
Website Development ︎︎︎ Tom Bird
Printing ︎︎︎ Jubels [NL]